We offer our acupressure and an acupuncture services for various ailments such as Muscle, Bone and Nerve Pain and diseases like Sprains / Strains Back Pain Leg Pain Foot Pain Stiff Shoulders and Neck Lumbago Sciatica Tennis Elbow Carpal Tunnel syndrome and Painful Joints; Toothache, Headache and Migraines Rheumatism; Arthritis Facial Paralysis; Bell’s Palsy Fibromyalgia
Obstetrics and gynecology Menstrual Pain and Cramping PMS Menopause Infertility Fetal malposition,
Addictions Tobacco Narcotics Alcohol Weight Loss diseases of the heart and blood vessels Angina High blood pressure Obesity Drug addiction Smoking
Digestive disorders Indigestion Stomach ulcers Gall stones Diarrhea Constipation Nausea and vomiting Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Diseases of the respiratory system Allergies Asthma Bronchitis Sinusitis

Diseases of the nervous system Stroke Neuralgia Stress, anxiety, depression and other nervous disorders Nerve paralysis Headaches/migraines.